Monday Plenary

Environmental Chemistry I

WIPP Operations and the Disposal of Plutonium
Todd Shrader (DOE-CBFO)

Metallurgy and Materials Science I

Taking Advantage of Fission Fragment Damage
Mitchell K. Meyer (Idaho National Laboratory)
Simon Martin Pimblott (Idaho National Laboratory)
Steven J. Zinkle (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
Maik Lang (University of Tennessee Knoxville)

Nuclear Fuel Cycle I

Chemical Separations for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Terry Todd (Idaho National Laboratory)

Solution and Gas Phase Chemistry I

The Relevance of Solid Solution—Aqueous Solution Systems to the Safety Case for Deep Geological Disposal of Nuclear Wastes
Dirk Bosbach (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
F. Brandt (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
M. Klinkenberg (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
V. Vinograd (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
J. Weber (Forschungszentrum Juelich)
G. Deissmann (Forschungszentrum Juelich)

Tuesday Plenary

Environmental Chemisty II

Plutonium Nanoparticles-Formation and Properties
Stephan Kalmykov (Lomonosov Moscow State University)

Metallurgy and Materials Science II

Metallurgy of PuGa Alloys: the Latest Insights into D-Phase Stability and Oxidation
Brice Ravat (CEA Valduc)
Lionel Jolly (CEA Valduc)
Benoit Oudot (CEA Valduc)
Aurelien Fabas (UniversitÈ de Bourgogne)
Loana Popa (UniversitÈ de Bourgogne)
Francois Delaunay (CEA Valduc)

Nuclear Fuel Cycle II

Waste Forms for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
William J. Weber (University of Tennessee)
Rodney C. Ewing (Stanford University)
E.R. Vance (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology)
Daniel Gregg (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology)
Sylvain Peuget (CEA, Nuclear Energy Division)
Marcoule Thierry Wiss (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)

Solution and Gas Phase Chemistry II

Exploring and Expanding High Oxidation States of Actinides
John K. Gibson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Monica Vasiliu (University of Alabama)
Wibe de Jong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Kirk Peterson (Washington State University)
Phuonh Dau (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
David Dixon (University of Alabama)

Wednesday Plenary

Detection and Analysis

Author: Klaus Luetzenkirchen (JRC)

Surface Science & Corrosion I

Investigations into Plutonium Oxidation
Paul Roussel (AWE)
W. Lake (AWE)
K. Graham (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
S. Hernandez (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
J. Joyce (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
T. Venhaus (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
A. Nelson (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Thursday Plenary

Detection and Analysis

Environmental Chemistry of Plutonium
Horst Geckeis (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)

Surface Science & Corrosion II

Plutonium Oxidation and Corrosion with EXAFS
Alison L. Pugmire (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Condensed Matter Physics I

Fingerprints of Electron Correlations in Various Phases of Plutonium: Electronic Properties of Pu19Os Simulating Beta-Pu
Ladislav Havela (Charles University)
Silvie Maskova (Charles University)
Pavel Javorsky (Charles University)
K. Kolorenc (Institute of Physics ASCR)
Alexander B. Shick (Institute of Physics ASCR)
Eric Colineau (European Commission JRC)
Jean-Chistophe Griveau (European Commission JRC)
Rachel Eloirdi (European Commission JRC-ITU)
T. Gouder (European Commission JRC-ITU)

Coordination Chemistry I

Evaluating Covalency for Plutonium and the Other F-Elements
Stosh Kozimor (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Friday Plenary

Condensed Matter Physics II

Recent Development at the Interface of Quantum Matter and Plutonium Science
John Sarrao (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

Coordination Chemistry II

Pu Electronic Structure and Speciation Applying Pu M5 Edge HR-XANES and RIXS
Tonya Vitova (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Nuclear Waste Disposal)