General Information for Speakers
All speakers must register for either a (1) day or the full meeting. If you wish to attend additional activities or have a guest, you will need to register for those as well.
On-site at the meeting:
- Please report to your Session Chair, in the room assigned for your session (as listed in the Official Program), 15 minutes prior to the start of the session. If you have not already done so, please provide him/her with brief biographical information.
- Please cooperate with your Session Chair by limiting your presentation to the time indicated in the Official Program. This time includes a five-minute discussion period following the formal presentation of your paper.
- Please do not ask the Session Chair to reschedule your paper within the session. Many attendees schedule their attendance at various sessions in accordance with the times listed in the Official Program.
Technical Session Room AV Setup: All rooms will have an LCD projector, screen, wireless mic, wireless advance/laser pointer and a laptop. LCD projectors will be able to project a resolution of 1024X576.
General Information for Poster Presenters
The Plutonium Futures – The Science 2018 Conference will include two poster sessions designed to highlight ongoing work in the conference thrust areas.
Each poster will be assigned a space number and assigned to a poster session. This information will be published in the final conference program. Presenters are expected to man their individual displays during their assigned session to be available for questions and informal discussion of the poster content.
Poster Session 1 will take place Monday, September 10 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. During this time a lunch is provided for all conference attendees; the line will open 30 minutes prior to general attendee entrance so that poster presenters are able to eat before the other attendees arrive.
Poster Session 2 will take place Tuesday, September 11 from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm. During this time a lunch is provided for all conference attendees; the line will open 30 minutes prior to general attendee entrance so that poster presenters are able to eat before the other attendees arrive.
Poster session presenters are required to setup their posters on Monday, September 10 so that posters will be available for display on both days. The room will be available for set up September 10 from 7:00 am to 11:00 am. It is expected that all posters will be up for the duration of both sessions. The room will be open to conference participants for un-manned viewing from 8:00 am -7:00 pm on Monday and Tuesday. Again, presenters are only expected to man their individual displays during their assigned session.
The room will be available to tear down posters on Tuesday, September 11 from 7:00 pm -8:00 pm. Any posters left after that time will be disposed of.
Poster Format
Poster dimensions should be 42” wide x 36” tall to fit in the allotted space.
Orientation: Landscape preferred, but not required
Include the names of all authors and contact information for the primary author
Equipment using electrical support or other audio-visual equipment MAY NOT BE USED in a poster session.
You must bring any supplies you may need (tape, felt-tipped markers, tacks, etc.) as we will be unable to provide supplies to the presenters during the conference.
If you choose to print your poster when you arrive in San Diego here is the closest print shop to the Wyndham San Diego Bayside Hotel: