A Topical Conference on Plutonium and Actinides

Plutonium Futures–The Science 2018 is a topical conference that provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of current research on physical and chemical properties of plutonium and other actinide elements. This is the tenth conference in the series of acclaimed international conferences initiated by Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories in 1997.  The 2018 conference is co-sponsored by Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories and the American Nuclear Society (ANS).

Plutonium Futures conferences provide an international forum for the discussion of current research on the physical and chemical properties of plutonium and other actinide elements.  By bringing people of diverse disciplines together, the conference aims to enhance the dialogue among scientists and engineers on the fundamental properties of plutonium and other actinide elements, and their technological consequences.


This year’s conference will include discussion of

  • condensed matter physics
  • metallurgy and materials science
  • surface, interfaces, colloids, and corrosion
  • plutonium and actinide chemistry
  • fuel-cycle issues
  • detection and speciation analysis
  • environmental science